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Why my cat wouldn’t make a good agile leader

Suffering from jet-lag insomnia and thinking about agile, I found myself thinking that my cat is very “command and control.” Equating the fact that I was awake in the middle of the night with the possibility that she would get an extra feed, she started with the loud purring. You would think she would be familiar with the cadence. The sprint ends after about eight hours of sleep. No we are not going to do an emergency release.

Most cats are excellent project managers. They remind and coax and hassle. Would they be good agile leaders? Not so much.

Is she happy to adapt to change?

Depends, she likes to try different places for an afternoon nap. However, a new brand of cat food is generally unacceptable.

Customer collaboration?

I’ll have to give her a free pass on this one since she can’t actually speak and I’m not quite sure who the customer is here.

People over process?

I’m going with no. The process is “feed me now”. Does it matter which person does it? Not really.

“Working software over comprehensive documentation?”

Yep. Well if software = food, absolutely. I haven’t seen her read.

Does she stick to the rules? Not really. We have some large floor to ceiling windows and she often asks me to open them. They are windows, I say, not doors. She doesn’t care, she wants to be let in. So I am going to say she is a good outside of the box agile thinker.

In retrospect, I really shouldn’t judge her.  Agile about is accepting somebody where she is in her journey – even if her journey does tend to be towards the bowl.